We invite you to join as a 2018 SpecialProjects partner.  This year's projects include:

Ministry Film Studio

Kids Ministry Center

Student Scholarship Fund

Easter Experience 2018

NYC Outreach Expansion

Belize 2018 Change-A-Life Project

Supporting/funding these projects is a great way to make a tangible impact in a targeted area of ministry.


to accomplish his mission


This July we will be taking a team back to the Cayo village of Belize.

God has truly laid it upon our hearts to be actively engaged in missions; helping in-need families and communities across the globe while sharing the gospel and helping people discover greater meaning, purpose and opportunity for their lives.

Belize is one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere with thousands of needy children and families living in desperate poverty. We will be traveling there on July 9th-16th and are expecting to serve approximately 200 kids under the age of 13.

Along with providing meals, activities and mentoring; we will provide each child with a Care Package.


[Registration will be available in January]



Our LAUNCH campaign is in the works and we will be receiving a special offering on March 18th, 
Our pastors have felt an intense tug on their hearts to invest in our students; devoting their time and resources into empowering our Sons & Daughters.

Don't miss out on this rare opportunity to help launch and transform our children's and student ministries.

Our goals include

  • renovating and design a cozy/cutting-edge student youth center
  • constructing and launching an interactive Kids ministry room
  • awarding college scholarships to HS seniors